Updated: January 31, 2025
Other presentations
Hydro participates regularly at business and investor conferences with presentations, both in Norway and internationally. In addition Hydro publishes a standard corporate presentation annually.
- Hydro Recycling - Site Visit - 13th September 2024.pdf
- Pareto's Annual Energy Conference, Hydro Rein, 11. September 2024.pdf
- Pareto Power and Renewable Energy Conference, 18. January 2024, Hydro Rein.pdf
- Pareto Power and Renewable Energy Conference, 18. January 2024, Hydro Energy.pdf
- SEB Nordic Seminar Copenhagen, January 10, 2024.pdf
- Sparebank1 Markets Energy Conference, 27. Februar 2024.pdf
- Carnegie Enviro & Profitability Seminar, 26. September 2023.pdf
- Pareto Securities’ Energy Conference_Hydro Rein, 20 September 2023 .pdf
- Pareto Securities’ Energy Conference, 20 September 2023.pdf
- Pareto Securities' 30th Annual Energy Conference_Hydro batteries, 20 September 2023.pdf
- Citi's ESG Investor Roadshow, 20 September 2023.pdf
- Pareto Securities' 25th annual Power & Renewable Energy Conference, 2023.pdf
- Hydro Extrusion - Site visit Hungary, 14 September 2023.pdf
- SEB Nordic Large Cap Seminar, 23 August 2023.pdf
- ABGSC Nordic Materials Seminar, 16 June 2023.pdf
- Bank of America ML Conference, May 17 2023.pdf
- Morgan Stanley Virtual Metals & Mining Seminar, 14 March 2023.pdf
- Deutsche Bank ESG conference, 9 March 2023.pdf
- Pareto Power and Renewable Conference, 28 February 2023.pdf
- Bank of America ML Conference, 19 May 2021.pdf
- JP Morgan Alternative Energy Roadshow, 8 November 2021.pdf
- Nordea Automotive presentation, 21 September 2021.pdf
- Pareto Securities Energy Conference, Hydro REIN, 15 September 2021.pdf
- Pareto Securities Energy Conference, Hydro Havrand, 15 September 2021.pdf
- Carnegie Morning Meeting, 18 December 2020.pdf
- Kepler Chevreux presentation, 25 November 2020.pdf
- Regulatory carbon leakage presentation, 16 November 2020.pdf
- Handelsbanken sustainability presentation, 11 November 2020.pdf
- Nordea ESG presentation, 8 October 2020.pdf
- Morgan Stanley Sustainability Presentation, 22 September 2020.pdf
- Credit Suisse Fire Side Chat, 9 September 2020.pdf
- Extruded Solutions Tønder site visit, 05122019.pdf
- Nordnet presentation, 07112019.pdf
- Carnegie morning meeting, 06092019.pdf
- Kepler Chevreaux Seminar, 27082019.pdf
- Nordea morning meeting, 18082019.pdf
- OTCQX virtual conference, 20062019.pdf
- Nordea Battery Seminar, 04062019.pdf
- Preliminary Q1 release, 30042019.pdf
- Carnegie Market presentation, 14012019.pdf
- SEB Nordic seminar, 09012019.pdf
- Alunorte update 1 (2018-03-15 – Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- Alunorte update 2 (2018-04-09 – Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- BoAML Global Metals, Mining & Steel Conference (2018-05-16 – Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- CRU Conference (2018-04-25 – Egil Hogna).pdf
- Exane BNP Conference (2018-03-20 – Stian Hasle, Even Simonsen)
- Nordea market presentation (2018-05-07 – Kathrine Fog).pdf
- SEB Nordic Conference (2018-01-10 – Even Simonsen).pdf
- Sparebank 1 Markets Energy Conference (2018-02-28 – Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- BoAML - Global Metals, Mining and Steel Conference (2017-05-17 - Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- CRU - World Aluminium Conference (2017-05-04 – Kathrine Fog).pdf
- Danske Bank - Navigating the Nordics (2017-06-01 – Stian Hasle).pdf
- Hydro acquires Sapa (2017-07-10 – Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- Metal Bulletin - Bauxite and Alumina Conference (2017-03-15 – Silvio Porto).pdf
- Norsk Hydro Bond presentation 2017-10-25.pdf
- SEB Market presentation (2017-03-08 – Kathrine Fog).pdf
- BoAML Global Metals, Mining and Steel Conference┬á(2016-05-11 - Svein Richard Brandtzæg).pdf
- Credit Suisse Global Steel and Mining Conference (2016-09-13 - Stian Hasle).pdf
- Pareto Power and Renewable Energy Conference (2016-01-14 - Arvid Moss).pdf
- Sapa Investor Briefing - Innovative Aluminium Solutions(2016-11-03 - Sapa Management).pdf
- SEB Investor Presentation - Aluminium Market Update (2016-06-16 - Kathrine Fog).pdf
- SEB Nordic Conference (2016-01-08 - Eivind Kallevik).pdf
- BofA Merrill Lynch Global Metals Mining and Steel Conference.pdf
- Karmøy site visit- Karmøy Introduction (2015-01-16 - Trond Olaf Christophersen).pdf
- Karmøy site visit- Market Updae (2015-01-16 - Pål Kildemo).pdf
- Karmøy Site Visit- Technology Update (2015-01-16 - Johannes Aalbu).pdf
- Sapa Investor Call presentation.pdf
- SEB Nordic Conference.pdf
- 2015 Årsberetning og regnskap Norsk Hydros Pensjonskasse.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Alunorf, a true global leader.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Attractive market positions and customers.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Automotive- An exciting outlook.pdf
- Grevenbroich- Industry benchmark and platform for excellence.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - IR Webinar on Energ.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Maintaining momentum in volatile markets.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Recycling - A pure bonus.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Rheinwerk Neuss - An integrated, flexible metal source.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Rolled Products - Close to the Customer.pdf
- Grevenbroich site visit - Technology- continuous step-changes.pdf
- BOA Merrill Lynch Metals and Mining Konferansen - Miami.pdf
- Creating the worldÔÇÖs leading aluminium solutions provider - Presentation.pdf
- Metal Bulletin Conference - Miami.pdf
- Presentation for fixed income investors - Oslo.pdf
- SEB Enskilda Nordic Seminar.pdf
- Sparebanken 1 Aluminium presentation.pdf
- Swedbank First Bauxite and Alumina presentation .pdf
- Swedbank First Nordic Energy Summit - Oslo.pdf
- Brazil site visit - Presentation (Johnny Undeli).pdf
- Brazil site visit - Presentation (Jørgen Rostrup).pdf
- Presentation - Albras site visit .pdf
- Presentation - Alunorte site visit.pdf
- Presentation - Paragominas site visit.pdf
- Arctic Aluminium Seminar.pdf
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Metals and Mining Conference.pdf
- Bauxite & Alumina business area .pdf
- Citi's Global Resource Conference.pdf
- First Nordic Energy Summit.pdf
- Handelsbanken Energy and Basic Materials Seminar.pdf
- Nomura Aluminium Seminar.pdf
- Pro forma 2010 financials after acquisition of Vale's aluminium business.pdf
- SEB Enskilda Nordic Metals and Mining Seminar.pdf
- The CRU 16th World Aluminium Conference.pdf
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Metals and Mining Conference .pdf
- BMO Global Metals and Mining Conference .pdf
- Dahlman Rose and Co First Annual Global Metals, Mining & Materials Conference.pdf
- First Securities Nordic Energy Summit .pdf
- Handelsbanken Nordic Basic Industry Seminar.pdf
- Pareto Power and Renewable Energy Conference.pdf
- Qatalum site visit presentation material.pdf
- SEB Enskilda Nordic Metals and Mining Seminar .pdf
- Automotive sector.pdf
- Creating Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Todays Challenges and Tomorrows Opportunities.pdf
- Financial performance.pdf
- Global extrusion activities.pdf
- Hydro - A dynamic 99 year old! .pdf
- Metals segment.pdf
- Norways role in the international energy market.pdf
- Performance and strategic direction.pdf
- Read also- Reiten's speech.pdf
- Rolled Products segment.pdf